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If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. Approximately 80-90% of people across Canada endure occasional or frequent tension headaches. They are also the third most commonly reported source of pain across the world! Whether they are acute and temporary or constant and chronic (such as migraines), headaches can all be treated by physiotherapy.
A greater majority of headaches are attributed to cervicogenic headaches, meaning that they are related to the neck in some form. Poor posture, stress, and other factors can contribute to weakness, strain, and injury to the neck muscles and joints. This pain radiates up into the scalp, side of the head, and even the forehead, depending on the area of the neck involved.
Physiotherapy isn’t normally someone’s first thought when they have a headache – most of the time, the common reaction is to take some form of pain-relieving medication. This may help to relieve pain in the short-term, but if you are constantly suffering from headaches or migraines, pain relief drugs will not provide you with the same long-term effects that physiotherapy will.
Physiotherapy has been shown to help manage chronic headache pain in the following ways:
At Central Physiotherapy, we are committed to providing you with the best treatment for your headaches. At your initial appointment, one of our highly qualified Physiotherapist will perform a physical exam and ask you questions about your health history and symptoms, to assess what sort of headache you are having and where the pain comes from.
A treatment plan will then be tailored specifically for you and your rehabilitation, most likely including targeted workouts, manual therapy, and patient education to help minimize the number of headaches you will end up having in the future.
Remember that no two patients are alike, and neither are two treatment plans! The only way to find out what a therapist will recommend for your headache pain is to book an appointment with one.
Many people may not know this, but there are different types of headaches that all develop from different causes.
The three main types of headaches include:
Tension headaches are caused by pressure on the “dura mater,” a delicate membrane that surrounds the brain.
The dura mater sits close to the small muscles at the base of the skull, which goes into spasm when the dura mater is stressed, transmitting signals of pain to the brain and triggering your headache.
This is the most common type of headache, which can occur due to repeated movements or poor posture in the neck/head. If you’ve ever seen someone at work holding their head at their desk, it’s possibly due to a tension headache.
Musculoskeletal headaches arise when there is a large amount of strain in the neck. This is usually the product of physical imbalances, deficiencies, or injury, while emotional stress (such as stress) can also be a contributing factor.
Traumatic damage to the neck, such as whiplash, is a common cause of musculoskeletal headaches. In the case of neck injuries such as whiplash, the muscles and connective tissues in the neck may become strained. This can lead to agonizing pain in the head, as well as in the face, shoulders, or neck.
The majority of headaches are rooted in problems with the neck.
Cervicogenic headaches are related to pain in the neck, affecting the top three vertebrae of the neck.These headaches may occur as a result of some disorders, such as concussion or arthritis, but work-related strains may also cause cervicogenic headaches.
People who work jobs that consistently require a down-turned motion of the head or neck are more likely to experience cervicogenic headaches.These can include hairdressers, long-haul drivers, cooks, nail artists, jewelers, etc.
Book an appointment at Central Physiotherapy & Massage!
We’ll be delighted to meet with you and develop a treatment plan for your path toward healing and pain relief. We will assist you in getting started on the path to long-term pain relief.
We offer direct billing so that you can focus on what matters the most - Your Recovery!
We love our patients, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Open today | 09:00 a.m. – 07:00 p.m. |
Central Physiotherapy & Massage
6028 48 Avenue, Camrose, AB, T4V 0K3
(780) 673-0573
Clinic Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m, Fridays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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